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pink pills spelling out the word probiotics

What Are Probiotics: And Why You Need Them

September 5, 2024

Do you experience diarrhea or constipation on the regular, or are you looking for ways to increase your immunity and maintain optimal gut health? Then you may benefit from probiotics! You may have seen the word “probiotic” on yogurt packaging at the grocery store, and if you’re unsure exactly what that means, we want to answer your questions. So what are probiotics, and why do you need them? Keep reading to find out!

What are probiotics?

woman holding supplement and glass of water

The term probiotics simply refers to living microorganisms that help to maintain and improve healthy bacteria in the body and keep harmful germs and bacteria out. Probiotics typically are categorized into bacteria groups such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces boulardii. Each of these bacteria strains has its own unique characteristics and benefits, so they affect each person differently.

What are the benefits of probiotics?

Probiotics can improve your gut and immune health in several ways, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy balance of microflora in the GI tract
  • Restore a previously disrupted balance by increasing the production of healthy bacteria in the gut
  • Encourage your immune system to respond correctly and strengthen the immune-gut barrier

People with digestive issues or chronic conditions often face uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and constipation, so adding a probiotic to your daily routine could help to treat some of these unwanted symptoms.

What probiotic foods should I eat?

bowl with yogurt, granola, and berries

Fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kombucha are great sources of probiotics that you can get from food. Things like yogurt and cottage cheese are also recommended for their probiotic content. Look out for labels that say “live cultures” or “active cultures” to ensure you’re getting the best quality possible.

Do I need to take a probiotic supplement?

Eating fermented foods like those mentioned above is a great way to start incorporating more probiotics into your diet; however, these are typically smaller, less potent amounts than what you can get from a dietary supplement. For more concentrated, targeted blends of probiotics, consider one of these supplements from trusted brands:

Nudora Probiotics: These delayed-release capsules provide 5 strains of key probiotics beneficial for reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, losing weight, and more.


Probiotic GI: Six probiotic strains make up this capsule-form supplement, providing potent, effective bacteria to the GI tract for immune-gut barrier support.

FloraMend Prime Probiotic: Those looking to manage weight loss, boost the immune system, or experience gut problems such as constipation can benefit from taking this probiotic supplement.

As you can see, there are many different options when it comes to choosing a probiotic supplement. Ask your doctor which could be the right option for you, and don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you may have!

We have answered the question– what are probiotics– and have given you information about how they are beneficial. So now you can take the next step towards better gut health! Want to take additional steps toward overall wellness? Take a look at these simple and easy steps to a healthy lifestyle.